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- TidBITS#97/09-Dec-91
- ====================
- Copyright 1990-1992 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Publication, product, and company names may be
- registered trademarks of their companies. Disk subscriptions and
- back issues are available.
- For more information send electronic mail to info@tidbits.uucp or
- Internet: ace@tidbits.uucp -- CIS: 72511,306 -- AOL: Adam Engst
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/09-Dec-91
- NewsBITS/09-Dec-91
- DiskFit Pro
- Quadra Compatibility INIT
- Reviews/09-Dec-91
- MailBITS/09-Dec-91
- ------------------
- Mark H. Anbinder informs us, "AppleShare 3.0 has finally shipped!
- It replaces both the AppleShare 2.0 file sharing and print sharing
- software packages with a single $1199 package. Briefly, the new
- software is fully compatible with (and requires) System 7, and it
- allows the server software to be run at the same time as other
- applications under the process manager. For best results it's
- appropriate to use the AppleShare server software on a dedicated
- server machine, but it is possible to use it on a personal
- workstation if high performance isn't essential."
- Mark also passes on this information from Brian Calhoun-Bryant of
- BAKA Technical Support and SuperMac about compatibility issues
- between SuperMac products and the Quadras.
- Hard Disks: The current version of the Manager (4.2/4.2E) is
- currently listed as not supporting the Quadras. SuperMac
- officially claims multiple incompatibilities. The fix is a new
- version of the Manager that will be out in the first quarter of
- 1992. This will almost certainly be the last version of the
- Manager. (I have run an XP200 on a Quadra [NOT as a boot device!]
- and it appears to run mostly fine.)
- Video Products: List as per SuperMac follows:
- * Thunder/8 & 24 cards: Compatible.
- * Spectrum/24 PDQ: Compatible.
- * Spectrum/24 Series III: Not compatible - new ROM in December.
- * Spectrum/8*24 PDQ: Compatible, except for RasterOps mode.
- * Spectrum/8 Series III: Compatible.
- * ColorCard/24: Not fully tested, appears to be compatible.
- * Monochrome Card: Not fully tested, appears to be compatible.
- Direct-connect SuperMac Video to Quadras: I believe that only the
- 21" display and the 19" display with the 21" cable will work (in
- 8-bit mode) with Apple's built-in video on the Quadras.
- Paul Durrant writes, "I recently came across a bug in the British
- System 7. I know it won't be of much personal interest to US
- readers, but you might like to include it. The KCHR resource
- controls how key codes are interpreted as character codes. In
- System 7, the KCHR was revamped to allow access to all the accent
- characters directly from the keyboard. In the British localisation
- of KCHR a mistake was made, and they seem to have used the old
- System 6 version. This has been acknowledged by UK.DTS as a bug.
- (OK, so it's not a huge bug, it still messes up a Quark Xtension
- I've got in the works) Good luck with the new text format."
- [Thanks Paul, I try not to be too US-centric, but it's hard when I
- live here.]
- Information from:
- Mark H. Anbinder -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Paul Durrant -- DURRANT.P@applelink.apple.com
- NewsBITS/09-Dec-91
- ------------------
- Anyone who doesn't consider themselves an expert on configuring
- memory for the Macintosh should take a look at a small booklet
- from Connectix called The Macintosh Memory Guide. It is free, and
- you can get one by calling Connectix at the number below or
- sending email to CONNECTIX.CS@applelink.apple.com with your snail
- mail address included. If you help out with a user group,
- Connectix will send you 100 copies or as many as you want if
- you'll use them. In addition, an electronic version (in Microsoft
- Word format) is archived at sumex-aim.stanford.edu for anonymous
- FTP. Just look for /info-mac/report/mac-memory-guide.hqx. I've
- read the booklet and am extremely impressed with it. Highly
- recommended and well worth the price. :-)
- Slip-up of the week goes to Adobe. A recent batch of Adobe Type
- Manager 2.0.3 upgrades actually contained Illustrator 3.0.2
- upgrades (which happen to include ATM 2.0.3). The two-disk upgrade
- package included tutorial and update information materials. Adobe
- has been sheepishly calling the customers who received these to
- explain what happened, and to ask that the customers prepare the
- packages to be picked up by Adobe's shipping service, at no charge
- to the customer. :-)
- We've heard that Apple has been receiving reports of floppy drive
- problems on PowerBooks, primarily on the 140. Apple is trying to
- figure out what the cause of the problems might be, and in the
- meantime, users having trouble with the PowerBook floppy drive can
- call Apple at 800/SOS-APPLE. We'll pass on any more information we
- hear about this problem, and yes, I realize that the phone number
- I just gave has one too many digits. I assume it still works fine
- even if you dial the extra "E."
- Here's an odd one. Some people have experienced a problem when
- printing to the LaserWriter IIf or IIg from a Macintosh using
- System 7 and the LaserWriter 7.0 driver, where the system will not
- download the Zapf Dingbats PostScript font that comes on the
- "LaserWriter II Install 4.0" disks. (These disks come with the
- LaserWriter IIf and IIg.) Instead, users are getting a bitmapped
- version of Zapf Dingbats and not the PostScript version, even
- though they have placed the PostScript version (included on the
- LaserWriter II Fonts Disk 1) in the System Folder.
- The Zapf Dingbats font on the "LaserWriter II Fonts 1" disk is
- named incorrectly to be temporarily downloaded by the LaserWriter
- driver. The file name as it appears on the disk is "Zapf
- Dingbats". For the font to be downloaded by the LaserWriter
- driver, the file needs to be called "ZapfDin". The incorrect name
- does not interfere with the LaserWriter Utility's ability to
- download the font into the printer's memory.
- The solution is to make sure you rename the Adobe PostScript font
- to "ZapfDin" (not the TrueType font. The PostScript font icon
- contains a large hollow "A" character and the background has
- horizontal lines. PostScript fonts should be placed in the System
- Folder, as they do not need to be installed.)
- Unlike the LaserWriter IINT and IINTX, the first LaserWriter IIf
- and IIg do not have Zapf Dingbats in the ROMs. Version 1.1 will
- have this font in the ROMs, but that won't be on the street for a
- while.
- Connectix -- 800/950-5880 -- 415/571-5100
- Information from:
- Roy McDonald, Connectix -- connectix@applelink.apple.com
- Pythaeus
- DiskFit Pro
- -----------
- Dantz recently sent me the press release announcing DiskFit Pro,
- and the press release came wrapped around a copy of the program.
- That's the way I like it because it's much easier to write a
- decent article about something when you've had a chance to try it
- out. For those of you who haven't heard the history, Dantz
- originally developed a backup program, DiskFit, for SuperMac many
- years ago. It shipped with all Dataframe hard drives from
- SuperMac, but when SuperMac decided to concentrate on the graphics
- business, it sold the rights to DiskFit back to Dantz. Dantz
- cleaned it up a bit, made sure it was System 7-compatible, and
- recently released it as DiskFit Pro.
- DiskFit Pro is a perfect example of a focussed program. It defines
- its purpose clearly and narrowly, and it performs that task
- admirably. DiskFit Pro tries to be a fast, easy backup program for
- people who have better things to worry about than backing up.
- DiskFit Pro isn't in the same class as Dantz's high-end backup and
- archiving program, Retrospect, but it doesn't try to be. The main
- things that Dantz added to DiskFit Pro include a DiskFit Pro
- Reminder Control Panel that can remind you when to back up and
- some interesting features to that help deal with the proliferation
- of aliases in System 7. Dantz also removed support for DC2000 tape
- drives because they recommend Retrospect for use with all tape
- drives.
- Using DiskFit Pro is indeed simplicity itself. After launching the
- program, you select a volume from the list (following the prompts
- at the top of the DiskFit window), then click Backup, Duplicate,
- or Restore. If you click Backup and wish to use floppies, you can
- then insert the first floppy and click Proceed. Your backup is
- underway. There are few options, but they should suffice in most
- instances. You can limit your backup to Only Documents, Only
- Applications, Only System Folder, or to a Single File. You can
- select individual folders to back up and exclude files based on
- type/creator. Nothing like Retrospect, but easy as all get out.
- Using the Backup creates what Dantz calls a SmartSet, and a
- SmartSet can be comprised of any combination of media.
- If you have a SyQuest drive or another hard drive to use as a
- destination disk, you can choose to Duplicate the source disk if
- it will fit entirely on the destination disk. There are no
- Duplicate options; it simply makes an exact copy of the source
- disk on the destination disk. What you can do (and what I do now)
- is duplicate two 20 MB source disks onto a single 40 MB SyQuest
- cartridge using Subvolumes, which are really folders you ask
- DiskFit to look at as volumes. This is one of DiskFit's few weak
- points because it defies the standard Macintosh interface. To
- define a Subvolume, you select a volume in your main window and
- then click the Subvolume window. You can then select any folder on
- that volume by way of a Standard File Dialog box. Herein lies the
- problem. DiskFit will not let you select a folder on any disk
- other than the one you originally selected and the SFDialog jumps
- back to the selected volume when you pick another disk in the
- SFDialog box. A utility like Super Boomerang confuses the issue
- even more because it will try to move you to the last accessed
- folder automatically, even if that folder is not on the volume you
- selected in DiskFit. It does work fine, but you have be careful or
- you'll get a bit frustrated. I gather Dantz set it up this way to
- be consistent with the rest of the program's interface.
- If you wish to Restore an entire disk, it's equally as easy - just
- start up the Mac with a floppy, run DiskFit Pro, select the volume
- to restore, select the backup disk, and you're off. In the slim 53
- page manual Dantz includes a handy table of all the possibilities
- involved in restoring files and disks. One of the coolest features
- is the way you can restore a single file with the SmartSet Alias.
- If that option is selected, DiskFit Pro will create a folder on
- your desktop with an alias to every file in the backup. You can
- find the alias to the file you wish to restore, Get Info... on the
- alias, and then click Find Original. The Finder will then prompt
- you for the correct backup disk. If you didn't opt to create that
- SmartSet Alias, you can always look in the DiskFit Report to see
- which backup disk holds your file.
- One of the reasons all of this is so easy is that DiskFit stores
- all the files in normal Finder format. So in my case, where I have
- two partitions backed up to the same SyQuest, I could actually
- work off that SyQuest if I had to. It's an exact duplicate.
- DiskFit even goes so far as to copy my hard disk icons onto the
- top level of the folders that it is using as Subvolumes, but I
- suspect that I could even boot that SyQuest (one of the partitions
- is my boot partition) if I had to.
- The problem with storing files in Finder format is that they take
- up more space than if they were compressed, as Retrospect can do.
- DiskFit minimizes this problem by packing files onto a disk
- tightly - Dantz is awfully good about figuring out the best way to
- arrange the files so that each disk is as full as possible. What I
- like the most, however, is that DiskFit will replace outdated
- files and folders with the new ones, thus making sure that the
- backup set cannot grow much larger than the source volume.
- Retrospect doesn't do this in favor of always keeping a copy since
- it is a true archiving program, but let's face it, I want to back
- up my 9 MB TidBITS Archive file each week, but I have no interest
- in keeping the previous week's file around. Retrospect duplicated
- that information each week, which was a pain. Now I use DiskFit
- Pro for two partitions and Retrospect for the third because that
- one requires more individual file selection.
- I found some other items of interest. DiskFit Pro includes the
- features of the old Network DiskFit, and it can preserve access
- privileges and the like. DiskFit can automatically format
- unformatted disks, shut down after finishing, split and join files
- that are too large for a single floppy, and exclude folders with
- square brackets around the name (I'd rather see Dantz use System
- 7's labels for this so you could label a folder to be excluded
- rather than mucking with the name). Finally, DiskFit knows about
- backing up aliases and their original files, sort of. DiskFit can
- warn you if it backs up an alias but not the original file (which
- is good), and it can even optionally back up that original file
- automatically (which is good too). However, DiskFit cannot back up
- the original file if it is on a different volume than the alias,
- which is the case with almost all of mine. I tend to keep aliases
- in the Startup Items folder and the Apple Menu Items folder and on
- the desktop of my boot partition, but I keep almost all of the
- originals on my applications volume. It's not a big deal as long
- as I'm warned that the original has not been backed up. Dantz also
- tells me that they're working on this problem.
- I highly recommend DiskFit Pro based on what I've seen and used of
- it. It's fast, easy to use, and gets the job done. It definitely
- doesn't have all the bells and whistles, but if you want that sort
- of noise, buy Retrospect, which has options galore. As far as the
- low-end backup programs go, DiskFit Pro is one of the best.
- Dantz Development
- 1400 Shattuck Ave., Suite 1
- Berkeley CA 94709
- 510/849-0293
- 72477.1322@compuserve.com
- DANTZ@applelink.apple.com
- Penguin Rating: 9 penguins out of a possible 10
- Information from:
- Dantz propaganda
- Larry Zulch, Dantz President
- Quadra Compatibility INIT
- -------------------------
- by Murph Sewall
- The fact that some popular applications (Word 4.0, for example)
- are incompatible with the new Quadra processor caches has received
- enough attention in the trade press that a few potential buyers
- have indicated that they are hesitating while compatibility
- problems are sorted out. Apple includes a Cache Control Panel
- which will turn the caches off, but running a Quadra without the
- processor caches severely restricts the performance that is the
- reason for obtaining a Quadra in the first place. A little-
- publicized feature of Apple's Cache Control Panel is that you can
- turn the caches on and off _without_restarting_ (hold down the
- option key while clicking the radio button). However, an even more
- convenient solution has been made available for free by Alysis
- Software, a small company best known for SuperDisk!, a fast and
- transparent file compression and password protection utility.
- Alysis's Compatibility INIT is a System 7 extension that allows a
- Quadra to run otherwise incompatible software without any
- interruption in other work. Instead of having to turn the caches
- on and off from the Control Panel, a user can simply launch
- applications without fear of crashes from cache incompatibility.
- The Compatibility INIT works by keeping track of applications that
- are incompatible with the Quadra's cache. When it sees that one of
- the applications in the exception list is running, it will
- automatically cut off the Quadra caches to avoid conflicts.
- Programs like Microsoft Word 4.0, Microsoft Excel 3.0, and Think C
- 4.0 will now run on "as is" on a Quadra. And if any other program
- is not compatible with your Quadra's caching, you can add it to
- the exception list and it will become immediately and forever
- "compatible." The application can be used right away without
- re-booting.
- A little experimenting indicates that the Compatibility INIT
- really is context-sensitive. An application that requires turning
- off the caches will, naturally, not run nearly as fast as it would
- if it were compatible, but other background (or foreground)
- applications which are compatible continue to benefit from the
- Quadra's full speed.
- Version 2.0 of Compatibility INIT did not permit DAs or extensions
- to be added to the list of software which needs to have the
- processor caches disabled. However, Alysis has just released
- version 2.2, which corrects this limitation. Basically, if you
- have a Quadra and have any software which is incompatible with the
- caches, you need Alysis's Compatibility INIT. It will make your
- life easier.
- Version 2.2 is free for non-commercial use on Macintosh Quadras
- owned by individuals who own no more than one Macintosh. Companies
- wishing to license the Alysis Compatibility INIT should contact
- Alysis. It is widely available on electronic services and bulletin
- boards, but it remains copyright 1991 by Alysis Software
- Corporation with some portions copyright Symantec Corporation.
- Alysis -- 800/825-9747 -- 415/566-2263
- Information from:
- Alysis documentation -- Alysis on AOL
- Reviews/09-Dec-91
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK
- ClarisWorks -- pg. 57
- QuickMail 2.5 -- pg. 57
- Monet -- pg. 60
- Contact Managers -- pg. 64
- INtouch
- TouchBASE
- Schedule Publisher 3.0 -- pg. 65
- NetDistributor -- pg. 65
- * Macworld
- 24-bit Monitors -- pg. 124
- (too many to list)
- Drawing Programs -- pg. 132
- Adobe Illustrator 3.0.1
- Aldus FreeHand 3.0
- Canvas 3.0
- DeskPaint & DeskDraw 3.03
- MacDraw II 1.1v2
- MacDraw Pro 1.0v1
- Michael's Draw 1.0
- UltraPaint 1.1
- Claris Resolve 1.0.2 -- pg. 162
- Canvas 3.0 -- pg. 163
- GreatWorks -- pg. 164
- The Louvre, Volumes I-III -- pg. 168
- DiskTwin 2.0 & TwinIt 1.0 -- pg. 173
- The Writing Center -- pg. 175
- HP LaserJet IIIP PostScript Printer with AppleTalk -- pg. 177
- Swamp Gas Visits the United States of America -- pg. 179
- HP ScanJet IIc -- pg. 179
- PostScript Texture Packages -- pg. 180
- Screen Caffeine 1.0
- TextureSynth 1.1
- Wraptures
- nuBase for the Mac 1.3 -- pg. 184
- Macintosh Books -- pg. 187
- (too many to list)
- * MacUser
- Canvas 3.0 -- pg. 48
- Fair Witness -- pg. 50
- Ovation -- pg. 56
- TMON Professional 3.0 -- pg. 59
- Now Utilities 3.0 -- pg. 61
- TFLX -- pg. 63
- Instant Update -- pg. 65
- Microsoft Project -- pg. 73
- Top Down -- pg. 86
- ProfitAbility Professional -- pg. 86
- Michael's Draw -- pg. 89
- Railroad Tycoon -- pg. 91
- Workstations -- pg. 112
- Quadra 900
- Mac IIfx
- DECstation 3100
- NeXTstation
- Silicon Graphics Personal IRIS
- SPARCstation IPC
- Magnetic Cartridge Drives -- pg. 126
- (too many to list)
- * BYTE
- Presentation Programs -- pg. 206
- Aldus Persuasion 2.0
- CA-Cricket Presents 1.3
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2.0
- Symantec MORE 3.0
- References:
- MacWEEK -- 03-Dec-91, Vol. 5, #41
- Macworld -- Jan-92
- MacUser -- Jan-92
- BYTE -- Dec-91
- ..
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